About YW & Our Mission
YWCA St. Paul is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1907. We are dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
We break down barriers and build up communities through programs and services in Housing & Supportive Services, Youth Development, Employment & Economic Development and Health & Wellness.
Our programs and services help women and girls access opportunities to improve their quality of life and achieve their potential.
The Twin Cities and Minnesota are areas characterized by racial disparities:
- In 2019, Minnesota ranked 50th for racial disparities in high school graduation rates. **
- Black people have an infant mortality rate of 9.0 per 1,000 live births compared to a rate of 3.8 for whites. *
- The incarceration rate of Black people in the Twin Cities was eleven times that of whites in 2019. **
- I-94 was built through the Rondo neighborhood in the 1950s-60s. 1 in 8 Black families lost their homes and many Black-owned businesses never reopened. ***
- The median Black family in the Twin Cities area earns $38,178 a year which is less than half of the median white family income of $84,459 a year. **
- 75% of white families in the Twin Cities own homes, but only 25% of Black families do, a disparity fueled by racial covenants. **
- In Ramsey County, nearly half of the people experiencing homelessness at any given time are children and youth. The number of homeless people in Ramsey County is up 8% from 2015, for a total of 1,927. ****
Our programs advance racial equity by helping our program participants overcome barriers to access and achieve success in areas characterized by significant racial disparities: housing, income and employment, and academic achievement. We also promote racial justice, gender equity and cultural understanding through advocacy, education and community events in our monthly Equity & Justice Conversation Series.
* Report on Minority-Owned Firms (fedsmallbusiness.org)
*** Black Homebuyers More Likely to Be Denied Mortgages | LendingTree
No. We provide services to everyone who needs them, regardless of age or gender.
No. We work with everyone regardless of race, religion, age or gender. The name goes back 100 years, when we were founded by Christian women who were concerned about the living conditions and well-being of the young women of St. Paul. Although today we serve a much broader population (women, children and families) we’ve kept the name because it’s part of our heritage and how we’re known in the community.
We are linked to other YWCAs across the country and around the world by a shared mission, but do not share programs or administrative functions. Each YWCA throughout the United States has a unique program focus and history.
No. We have similar names but we are separate entities. We have different boards, different missions, different programs and different histories.
Our office is located at the corner of Selby and Western near the Cathedral of St. Paul. This location houses programming and the offices for our Administrative, Employment & Economic
Development, Housing & Supportive Services and Youth Development programs as well as the Health & Fitness Center. We also own and operate five housing sites in St. Paul and serve families living in a variety of privately-owned rental properties as a part of our Housing & Supportive Services.
Free three-hour parking is available to visitors and HFC members.
No. Although we are linked by our mission, programs and activities are developed to meet specific local needs.
A healthy mind and body is a vital part of self-care and helps people to achieve a better quality of life.
About Our Programs
Our Housing & Supportive Services programs are routed through Ramsey County only and we do not do direct intake. If you are in need of housing assistance, please view details here or call 211.
To enroll in Career Pathways (career counseling or credentialed training courses), please email careerpathways@ywcastpaul.org.
Our YW Works programs are routed through Ramsey County’s Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) only and we do not do direct intake.
Our Youth Development programs have ongoing enrollment; to check program availability, contact our Youth Program Manager, La’Shante Grigsby at LGrigsby@ywcastpaul.org.
About Our Health & Fitness Center
To make changes to your HFC account or inquire about billing, please email our Health & Fitness Center staff at HealthAndFitness@ywcastpaul.org.
No! Guest passes are available to members and day passes are available for purchase. Non-members are also welcome to register for specialty classes at a non-member rate.
YWCA St. Paul’s Health & Fitness Center is located at 375 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102. It is at the corner of Selby and Western near the Cathedral of St. Paul.
Free three-hour parking is available to visitors and HFC members.
There is no reciprocity agreement with any YMCA facilities. Current members at YWCA St. Paul may use YWCA Minneapolis locations for a $3.00 fee by simply showing their membership card. Please be advised that visits across the river will not be automatically transferred into our system for insurance reimbursement programs.
Many YWCAs offer a special day rate or a free trial period. For specific information, you will need to check with the YWCA in the area you are visiting.
Yes! Pool rental is available during normal Health & Fitness Center business hours. For more information, please contact the HFC manager at 651-265-0746.
HFC membership dues pay for the operating expenses in the HFC itself. If there is a surplus,
those dollars are directed to support programs and services for women, children and families. As the need is always greater than the available resources, donations are what allows us to continue offering these services to members of our community in need.
The SilverSneakers® and Silver&Fit® programs provide eligible seniors with free or flexible memberships to the fitness center in addition to specialized classes, events and education. For SilverSneakers and Silver&Fit memberships, insurance companies pay YWCA St. Paul a small fraction of the true cost of membership, which causes a significant financial gap in the agency’s revenue. Because of this gap, many SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit members choose to make one-time or regular donations to show their support.
Financial assistance is available for those who qualify. Please contact the Health & Fitness Center at 651-222-3741 ext. 1 or via email at hfc@ywcastpaul.org for more information.
About Making a Donation
You can donate online, by mail, in person or by phone. We accept gifts by cash, check and credit card. You may elect to make a one-time gift or set up automatic billing or deductions on a regular schedule. For more information on making a donation visit our Ways to Give page or call executive & development support at 651-265-0717.
Yes! Event tickets, gift cards and bus passes are always in need. Our ability to accept other items is limited by available storage facilities. To make a donation or inquire about current needs, please call 651-222-3741.
Yes! Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. For specific tax advice, please discuss the matter with an accountant or tax advisor.
For questions or more information, please reach out to us at advancement@ywcastpaul.org or 651-222-3741.